
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

12 is My Favorite Number

As we begin a new year, it's common to look back and reflect on the previous year. Sometimes this stirs up a mix of emotions - painful, sad, thankful, happy, appreciative, and so on. Some people don't even like to think about the past; just keep moving on and be hopeful for the future. There's nothing wrong with that. When I look back at 2011 I feel nothing but thankful. I was extremely blessed to do so many wonderful things last year. Obviously my trip to Europe was the ultimate experience of a lifetime and I got to do so many wonderful and cool things that people only dream about. I won't begin to list them, but I know I am extremely blessed. I also had the opportunity to go to Tampa for spring break with Katie and her family and that was also a blast. Last year I was used to help win a soul, and that is absolutely priceless. At the beginning of last year I also got a new little sister, Hope. We've so far spent a lot of fun moments together and I look forward to many more years of fun! 

Something maybe not so great that happened last year was my dad's injury at work. On April 1 he fell and hurt his back and was unable to work for the rest of the year. It may have been hard here and there, now with both my mom and dad unable to work, but we made it through. What I take from the situation (you know me, always being optimistic) is that neither of them working meant more time we all got to spend together. After my trip last summer I came home with a deeper appreciation for my family, friends, and our great country. I could spend some quality time with my parents in Allegany before school started, and throughout the fall semester I was able to spend a lot more time with them in the evenings. Since I didn't have a job (aside from teaching some lessons on the weekends) most of my evenings were free and my school load wasn't that bad. I am very thankful for this time we got to spend together, especially since it was only temporary. My dad did have back surgery in the spring and then underwent therapy for his drop foot, which is slowly getting better. He was able to go back to work last week, only for a few hours a day. This is both good and bad, depending how you look at it, or should I say who is looking at it. I start school in less than two weeks and this semester is going to be a little crazy (21 credits, anyone?) but I have some things to look forward to along the way. I guess all in all I'm just thankful for my family. 

Man why am I telling you my whole life story?! I don't know, I just wanted to write about it, and I guess maybe encourage someone to look on the bright side even when they may be facing a dark situation. When God gives us trials He is sometimes testing us, to know He can trust us, and sometimes He gives us trials in order to make us stronger and/or bring us together. Over the past couple years a lot of tragedy and hard times has befallen our church but in talking to my friends/those that were affected, almost everyone said that their family has gotten so much stronger and the situation brought them together or fixed a broken bond. Just keep trusting God, trust that He knows what He is doing, and remember that He has a purpose for everything!! And he will bring you through.

What does 2012 hold? Well, no one knows the future except God, but I feel that something is going to be different this year. There's change in the air and I can feel it. It's time we wake up and get ourselves on fire for God like never before! Time is of the essence. 
I do know that some exciting things are gonna be happening this year, Lord willing - Ladies Conference in Lake George, Katie and Caleb's wedding, a trip to NY in the fall, my cousin's wedding, of course camp and youth convention, and probably more that I am forgetting. But who knows what else! Bring it on, 2012!

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